Wednesday, March 23, 2011

17 facts about bacon [infographic]

17 facts about bacon [infographic]

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Ah triumph! I not only exercised today I also have so far stayed under my carbs that I set at 20.  I mean I want to reach this goal right? YES I DO!

I need a widget to track my exercise on this blog.  Ideas anyone?  I walked 1.5 miles today! SWEET!

Fat Girl VS Skinny Girl

So...... for the past few months I have totally been having an inner power struggle.  My thin girl wants out!  I can see myself easily reaching my weight loss goal and am motivated to "just do it".  As soon as something yummy comes into my line of sight my inner fat girl sits on the thin girl and shoves a cookie in her mouth and says, "Shut up, eat this damn cookie".  I came to the realization that I am just cheating on myself.  I mean seriously, I am just keeping myself from my own goal. WTF?  I really have no idea why, I just need to get past it.  I am dying to fit into a few jeans and tops that I have put aside for spring and summer.  I bought them anticipating that by spring I would fit into them.  Of course I am just still here sitting in an XL and not into the cute stuff I bought.  I think about exercising, SOMETIMES I even do it!  This is when the fat girl creeps in and says, "Sit down and relax you deserve a break."  I am not even sure why but I freaking do it!  I could be hot, thin & adorable right now!!!  With all of the procrastination over the last year I could have already been down to my goal size of a 12.  So this is it!!! No more moping around, no more putting it off.  I will set a goal this week of exercising 4 days a week for 30 minute minimum.  I will cut back to 20 carbs a day and will actually track them instead of being too lazy!!!  I have a graduation coming up in June.  I will be graduating with my Associates degree in Computer Aided Drafting.  I have seriously accomplished a lot in the past two years.  I can do this too!  I want to look hot crossing that stage.  :)  I can and will achieve this goal.  If you got this far...sweet and thank you for bothering to read.  I think my goals are really similar too other people and their struggles.  Low carb is hard! Foods everywhere full of sugar and carbs are SOOOO tempting.  We just have to take the time to make our own goodies and rework the system. Good Luck all!
I am adding a photo of my progression I am in the middle size pant (16) started at the a size 22...and my goal by graduation is the smallest size a 14 (we can hope for a 12 though lol).

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Well by looking in my kitchen I know it is time to visit the grocery store.  I am low on you know ....everything!  After a bit of digging I found something to have this mid-morning.  While being bugged by my 2 (almost 3) year old while making my MIM.  I also found half of a steak-um and fried that up.  Following the steak-um I threw a slice of MIM in the pan and crisped it up, while still warm I spread it with laughing cow swiss garlic cheese (mmmm).  It created this melty goodness pictured to the left.  I also like a bit of mustard to dip my steak sandwiches in.  So Yummy!  Tanner shares my love of food and feels the need to really just steal anything I am eating.  So he gobbled down part of my sandwich.  What are some of your cabinet is almost empty meals? 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Flax & breakfast

So I picked up this yummy flax at SAMS club I am really loving it!  The texture and flavor of my MIMS are much more appetizing.  This morning I had a bacon & tomato with swiss garlic laughing cow cheese wedge spread on delish!

low carb

So I have been low carbing with Atkins off and on since Nov of 2009.  I have had great success and some set backs (all created by myself I <3 bad carbs).  With this blog I hope to inspire and gain some accountability and hopefully sooner than later meet my goal weight.  Here is to our ups and downs together :)
I have now lost around 60lbs and need to lose at least 40-50 more to be around my goal weight.  How depressed do I look in the before? OMG!  Started in a 22/24 and am right now in an XL top and a 16 pant.  My goal is really to be in a 10/12.  :) Now I just have to be good and stay good!